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2023 Annual Appeal


“Having an added layer of support from people who are absolutely genuine in their concern, willingness, and interest in providing care for the whole family makes CCALS unique – it is like having a safety net for our family.”

Throughout 2023, Compassionate Care ALS (CCALS) has grown to serve more people living with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) than ever before. Our programs have expanded to help families in additional states, provide new Cultivating Compassion Education Series offerings, and cover the upkeep of our Heald Education & Retreat Center.

Your donation ensures that CCALS will be able to continue to provide our entire array of services to more than 1,049 people living with ALS, their families, caregivers and friends.

Our friends Mark and Kathleen Weston first interacted with CCALS at our Colorado Kick-Off, where they met Ron and the team.

“When we first met CCALS, it seemed too good to be true,” Mark says. “The more time we’ve spent involved with the organization, we realized we were wrong. They do exactly what they say they are going to do. They are there for individuals and families affected by this disease.”

CCALS had previously lent an accessible van and a shower chair to Mark so he and Kathleen could visit their former home in Maine. This summer, they visited the CCALS Heald Education & Retreat Center with additional family members.

Mark shared a note of his trip, demonstrating how CCALS services aren’t limited to one aspect of ALS care; CCALS adjusts to each family’s unique needs to make life easier.

“You provided the physical and spiritual atmosphere to make our final Weston siblings reunion not just possible, but rich. You have created a place of solace and renewal.”

“Morning coffee in the presence of the Buddha. Rolling/biking/walking to, from and on the Shining Sea Bikeway. Ice cream at Ben and Bill’s Chocolate Emporium. Rooming with, but in separate units, my oldest brother Mike and his wife Mary Ann. Deploying a non-mobility impaired person into the West Falmouth Market to snag all kinds of goodies. Shannon driving us to Logan Airport. Jason fitting out the wheelchair with a cup holder that I still have not snapped off. The Koi pond, and so much more.”

Your contribution allows us to provide this high-level, unique support for all individuals and families living with ALS. As Mark says, “There is something about the personal touch that Ron and the gang bring that really sets CCALS apart.”

Our staff at CCALS is so honored that we get to play a role in your unique ALS story. Thank you for inviting us in!