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Kathleen Haley
Andrew Mackenzie
Christopher and Dale Burns
Mathew and Amy Stahl
Michael Sheehan
Jesse and Catherine Bernier
Madeline Febo
Frederic Cantor
Harris and Kim Chadwell
Mikaela Keefe
Patrick and Therese Lafey
Nancy Kinney
Janice and Ronald Morrissette
Abbie Garcia
Pamela Theodoros
Tara Aguiar
Maria and Jeffrey Haines
Mikaela Keefe
Robert and Kimberly Budryk
Marks and Kathleen Cochran
Michael and Therese Laffey
Eileen DelRossi
Debuse Piekos
Lori Hicks
Suzanne Gordon
Jessica Lord
Sarah Santiago

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On April 18, 2016 I will be running the 120th Boston Marathon. This is my first marathon and I am excited to run and honored to be representing such a great organization!

Compassionate Care ALS has an amazing mission to support people diagnosed with ALS, their families and communities as they navigate the complexities, both physical and emotional, associated with the disease.

ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord which weakens muscles and impacts physical function. I do not personally know anyone who is living with the disease, but as my awareness of the effects it has on the individual and their families grows, the importance of CCALS’ work is clear.

Running is something that I am passionate about and that I truly enjoy. Throughout the training process there have been runs that feel great, runs that are tough, and runs that are mentally and physically draining. But even on my bad days I am reminded how fortunate I am to be able to lace up my sneakers, hit the pavement and conquer miles that add up day after day. As I keep my head high, my mind determined and my heart strong, I run for those who can’t, and that is why I feel honored to run and raise money for CCALS.