Steve's Way – Never Lose Touch
Due to huge interest, our Steve’s Way Box inventory has been exhausted. Over 1800 boxes were provided at no cost by Tom and Ruth Meadows in honor of their friends Steve Walker and Chad McClung. Big thanks to Tom and Ruth for this gift to the ALS community!
About Steve's Way
Steve’s Way is an awareness campaign founded by Tom and Ruth Meadows to educate people about hidden and undocumented accessibility functionality in the Apple iOS that can specifically benefit people with ALS.
iPhone accessibility features include:
- Voice Control - navigating your iPhone using solely your voice
- Mouse Control - navigating your iPhone using a standard Bluetooth mouse
- Head Tracking - using head movement to move the cursor, and facial gestures, sounds or switches to ‘tap.’
The magic of Steve’s Way isn’t in the boxes: it’s learning about possibilities within the accessibility options built into the iPhone or iPad – technology that many already currently own! Using iPhone accessibility features may delay or avoid the need for an eye gaze computer.
The box contained easily sourced items: Bluetooth mouse, mouse pad, table top phone holder, clamp on phone holder, and a long phone power cable. Configure your system with the tools that make most sense for you.
Tom will continue to update and train our community when iOS accessibility technology changes. Please visit Set Up and Training Instructions to learn how your iPhone can work for you.