Day 24- Bike Issues, But It’s All About the Families

Well, that didn’t go as planned 10 miles in Jim’s seat came loose at the frame. We went back to go to a bike shop, but it was closed. Jim tried to fix it himself but that didn’t work so we rode over to another bike store in Greenwich, Greenwich Bicycles, who were super nice to us. They took us right away and fixed Jim’s bike. They also looked at my rear tire as every morning my rear tire is flat, so they fixed that. They also gave us nutrition and didn’t charge us a thing for anything! I guess with 1100+ miles in, the bike is going to start to break down. Once the bikes were fixed, we were off to New Canaan to meet with a family. We then rode over to Westport to see another family then ended at our hotel in Milford, CT. Tomorrow one more stop with another CT family and the last CT stop.