2016 Annual Appeal
I am asking for your help.
For our friends like Jamie Hudson.
When I met Jamie, he was pretty far along with his ALS, residing in an assisted living facility. I sat with him and listened. It quickly became apparent he was not happy where he was. Some kind of warmth and presence was missing for him. We found a living arrangement suitable for Jamie not too far from our Cape office.
For many months a member of the CCALS staff or I dropped by to see him almost every day just to check in, to be with him and walk a few steps of his path by his side. We became good friends that too soon had to say goodbye.
At Jamie’s celebration of life, many of his friends approached me to say thanks for what CCALS had given to their friend. I thanked them for all of the beauty Jamie shared with us. After it was over, one of them came to me with an offer. Would you be able to give to more people what you gave to Jamie with an office in downtown Boston?
Yes! I said. Okay. We now have our own office at 21 Milk Street in downtown Boston, soon to be open for appointments, meetings and gatherings. This is a great example of somebody helping us because of what we had done for a friend, and this is how we are able to pass that assistance on to others.
We currently serve more than 500 individuals and families living with ALS in Massachusetts and New England, across the U.S. and around the world. We have programs that offer high-quality durable equipment, ramp construction and lift installation, van transportation for clinical trials, Medicare and Medicaid guidance, trauma and grief support along with our innovative educational programs.
With this much need and our Education and Retreat Center to open in the spring, I once again ask for your help. Please use the enclosed envelope to contribute.
With deep appreciation,